To forget one's ancestors is to be a brook without a source, a tree without a root.
Henry Garnet (Harry) St. Hill
1921 -1993
Eulogy delivered at his
Service of Thanksgiving in Kingstown, St. Vincent

Henry Garnet (Harry) St. Hill was born on September 4, 1921, in Barbados, the son of Henry Garnet St. Hill and his wife Emee D’Azevedo Lobo.
He joined Cable and Wireless and worked in many of the Caribbean islands, but when he arrived in St. Vincent in 1940 as a vacation relief, he knew that this was his favourite.
Soon after his arrival he met the Fraser family including Agnes, whom he married in 1945.

Harry's wife Agnes St. Hill née Fraser
Harry was a very keen cricketer as a young man and played for the Hairoun Cricket Team here in St. Vincent. In later years, for relaxation he was a very active Radio HAM operator and took part in the local weather net. He made HAM friends from all over the world. He also helped with the instructing of new HAMS in their hobby.

After many years working for other people Harry decided, with Agnes’ great support, to start his own company and St. Vincent Insurance Services opened in 1964. He built this company into a thriving success; and when he sold this business and retired he was approached by his London colleagues and he agreed to set up Trident Insurance in Barbados. After returning home, he was encouraged and persuaded by friends and business associates to reopen and St. Hill Insurance Company was formed. Until his illness last year, he played an active role, but was forced to retire in July. Harry built a reputation not only among the businessmen of St. Vincent and Barbados, where he operated his companies, but also in London, as being a man of total integrity and honesty while maintaining his sense of fair play to both his customers and London colleagues.
Six years ago he built the present family home at Rutland Vale to accommodate his ever increasing family of grandchildren. He loved the peace and quiet of the countryside and always looked forward to having that peace shattered by the arrival of his children and grandchildren coming home for a visit from all corners of the world. Harry leaves to mourn, his wife of 48 years, Agnes, three sons, three daughters, six grandsons, four granddaughters, three sisters and many friends and colleagues all over the globe.

Harry and Agnes St. Hill with their family - some time in the 80's
Below: The family home at Rutland Vale, Layou, St.Vincent